Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm Back!

Woo that was a longer break than I really meant to take! Sorry about that. I'm coming back now I swear. I have a lot more time and energy to devote to the blog again.

The wedding went fabulously! So glad we were able to pull it all off. And because everyone keeps asking, no, married life isn't really any different. Still happy as clams! (That's us about to walk down the aisle on your right side.)

I will start answering questions again very soon! So sorry to those of you who sent me questions before the break. They might not be the timeliest of answers, but I will get to them. And everyone else, please send me questions so I can keep this blog going.

But first, I wanted to add a little addendum to my last post. I told you that I'd keep you updated on my thoughts of the acuvibe mini and I definitely have new feelings about it.

I was wrong (it happens sometimes). The acuvibe mini is NOT better than the hitachi. It comes in a close second for sure, but definitely not the best. I was quite happy with it until one night of drunken hornyness. I'm of the opinion that just because I have whiskey clit (or in my case martini clit) doesn't mean I shouldn't still be able to cum. The acuvibe just could not deliver the power necessary to wake my clit up. I tried, I really did. But in the end it was the hitachi magic wand that won. My good old reliable hitachi. How could I ever have doubted you?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I had missed you - so it's great to see you blogging again (and looking stunning in that photograph!).

    xx Dee
