Sunday, May 18, 2008

Update and Reminder

A quick update about me and then a reminder.

Last week I graduated college so I now have a BA in psychology and gender and women's studies. Go me! Also, about a month ago my girlfriend asked me to marry her and last week we set a date: March 21, 2009. And to quickly answer all the questions we both get often: No, it is not legal in our state and no, we are not traveling to a place where it is legal. There is no point in doing that since our state wouldn't recognize it anyways and we're not going to wait until the government catches up with our relationship to get married. We're ready now.

And now for the reminder. Don't forget that the lube contest is still going on! Please send me submissions so that there is actual competition between stories and its more fun. If I only have a couple submissions it becomes lame. There is a really good chance that you could be the winner of a bunch of lube! For details go here. Remember, contest ends midnight CST on 5/31/08. That's less than 2 weeks away! So get to writing!

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