Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tip/Fact of the Day

I will be tweeting a sex tip or fact of the day every day until I run out of them. Some you may know, some you may not. Follow me to learn things!

Tips I've tweeted so far:
- if your vag feels a little dry, rub a little silicone lube on it in the morning & feel smooth & slick all day
- Honey dust is great 4 licking off ur partner, but did u know it absorbs moisture? Dust it btwn sheets or in sandals 2 absorb sweat

If you don't twitter, don't worry! All of my tweets are published to facebook as well (when its working properly). Friend me on facebook to see my updates there. Mention you read my blog when adding me.

Did you not understand one of my tip/fact tweets or just want more info? Send me an email and let me know and I will go into further detail on my blog.

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