Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some News

You know I always like to keep you folks updated so I just wanted to share some news with you.

First, I was recently brought on to the XCritic team where I will be reviewing porn and the occasional sex toy. When I publish my reviews there I will give you a little tidbit and a link here so that you can read more if you're interested. The first porn flicks on my list are both Abby Winters.

Secondly, I was recently put on the list of reviewers for JT's Stockroom. I'm super excited about this because I hope they give me the chance to review items that are a bit more kinky and fetishy. There is one side note that I want to make about this. You may have noticed that I added both JT's Stockroom and Extreme Restraints to my sidebar. They both sell some sort of anal desensitizer and we all know that I am extremely against this. In fact this usually deters me from even promoting a site at all. However, I gave it some thought and decided that both sites offered entirely too many quality products that are difficult to find elsewhere. So please, if you visit either site, use caution and research what you are buying.

Finally, I will be starting to do some paid advertisement blogging here on my site. Now, I want everyone to know what this means exactly. I will never shill myself out for companies or products I don't agree with. I will never promote anything that I think causes harm. I will only ever write about products/companies the way I choose to write about them. I will never give anyone creative control over my blog. My blog has always been a labor of love, which specifically means I make almost no money doing this. The free stuff is great, but I really would like to make income here too. And most importantly, I will never spam you. So what this basically means is that companies will be paying me to promote their stuff, but I will be choosing what stuff to promote. And I will be choosing how to promote it. And so that you know that I was paid to do the write-up, there will be a disclaimer telling you that the company is sponsoring that particular post. But don't ignore it just because I was paid to do it. I really will be putting my heart and soul into those pieces as well as everything else I do on my blog.

That's all for now! Hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season!

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