Monday, August 31, 2009

Condom Review: Lifestyles SKYN

This week's condom review is the newest non-latex condom on the market and by far our reviewer's favorite, Lifestyle SKYN.

Of all the condoms I've had the pleasure/displeasure of using, these are far and away my favorites. Non-latex based, they have no unpleasing smells, no awful taste, and to make an extremely long metaphor, if my penis were an ear on a phone and her vagina was a pin dropping, these condoms would have been sprint's landline service of the 1980s. The packaging is shiny making it easy to find at night, the serrated edges make them easy to open, and they roll on pretty easily. Try not to have much moisture on your boy pieces before rolling them on, because they will slip a little during vigorous thrusting. These are far and away my favorite condoms and carry my strongest recommendation.

Ease of use 5.0
Sensation 4.99
Taste/Fragrance 5.0

1 comment:

  1. I've been using these for a few months now. They're great!
