Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cock Rings

Hi! A friend just turned me onto your site and it's already been really helpful! But I noticed that you don't seem to have any entries about cock rings... I've seen some in stores that are stretchy, others that are leather, but what do you think is best? Also, I used to think that cock rings were just for keeping a man from cumming, but apparently there's more to it than that? Please, enlighten me!

Cock Curious

I'm glad you're enjoying the site and thanks so much for the question. To all of you readers out there, if you think there is something missing from my blog, please don't hesitate to send an email letting me know what you'd like to see more of.

Yes, cock rings can help to keep a man from ejaculating as soon as he might normally, but they also have lots and lots of other uses too! And they also come in a number of different materials from stretchy jellies and elastomers to rigid rubber and steel.

My boss over at Early to Bed recently made a video about cock rings so I figured that would be a great way to share the info you're looking for.

There are a couple things I would like to add to what she said. First of all, the leather vibrating cock ring she shows can also be used around the testicles as well as the shaft.

Also, a great beginner cock ring is this bolo tie style cock ring. It is really easy to put on and adjust and is pretty inexpensive. It is a great way for men to figure out if they like cock rings or not.

Finally, I'd like to add that there is one more use for cock rings not mentioned by my boss. Sure they're great at making erections last longer, making them harder, helping to delay ejaculation, and stimulating the clit, but they're also great for keeping condoms on. If you find that you have difficulty with condom slippage, cock rings are great for keeping a condom secure. This can be especially helpful with polyurethane condoms which often have slippage issues, men whose penises are smaller than average, and sex toys that don't quite have the size and shape of a penis but you would prefer to have sheathed for hygienic reasons.

As far as what I think is best, well I feel that is a matter of opinion. But I do stress that if the man in question is new to using a cock ring, he should use one that is easy to remove if necessary. So it should be stretchy, adjustable, or easy to cut off. Stay away from metal! I'd even recommend not using the rubber o-ring style ones right off the bat as they can be difficult to cut off if you're panicked at all.


  1. i totally forgot about how much i love cock rings. i need to buy a new one. thanks!

  2. Well there you go - I actually present to folks about various sex toys, including cock rings, and I learned some new stuff from both the youtube and your comments (so thank you!). So many options, which I think is great :)

    xx Dee

  3. are there different size cockrings for different guys because i dont want to get one and it not fit

  4. yes, but only if you get ones that don't stretch or adjust. So if you're worried about that, stay away from hard rubber and steel cock rings. Get something that is super stretchy or adjustable. Those will fit pretty much anyone.

  5. well actually i am looking for the other side of that answer. i am not worried about the ring being too small i am worried about the ring being too big.

  6. and that answer was for either small or big. Doesn't really matter.

  7. what should i do if i have a problem with the cockring not fitting? for example i am too small and the ring keeps slipping off.

  8. Get a smaller cock ring and make sure you're putting it around both the shaft and your balls.

  9. i have a very unique problem that i really need help with because i am really interested in using a cock ring.
