Sunday, June 1, 2008

Contestant #1

The lube contest has come to a close and I have picked the best three stories. It was a difficult task, but I tried to pick the ones that were the most creative and also the most different from each other. So over the next 3 days I will post each of the stories and on the 4th day I will put up a poll for everyone to vote. So without further ado here is the first story:

There was once a furry twat
Who wanted a sexy swat

So she scrubbed and she bathed
winked in the mirror and waved

and on her way she went.

This twat was on a mission
and she wasn't going fishin'

she wanted a hard cock
strong and solid like a rock

The twat needed lots of lube
So she went and picked up a tube.

The store was all out
so, she started to shout


The sad twat was out of luck
All she needed was a fuck

Out of the corner of her eye
Someone was there- Oh my!

It was Garnet to save the day!

She came bearing a gift
Which gave the twat a lift

She smiled and opened her hand
The present was large and grand

The twat declared "OH SHIT!!"
So she greased up her slit

And finally her wish came true

Garnet had saved the twat
The lube helped a lot!

The twat got fucked
And then she got sucked

All thanks to Garnet!

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