Friday, April 4, 2008

Lesbian Porn


Ok, I watched "The Crash Pad" and I think it was really hot. The only thing I don't understand is the top/butch/not sure what to call them in the scenes just seemed to wear the strap on and didn't really get anything back as far as vaginal stimulation. Is this typical as far as real lesbian sex or just a porn thing?

A little background information first: This question was written to me by a straight male who frequents one of the same message boards that I do. I had previously given a recommendation for anyone who wanted to see real lesbian porn to check out The Crashpad from Pink & White Productions. This was their first film (I made the recommendation a really long time ago) and I was very impressed by it. They have continued to impress me with amazingly sexy real lesbian porn. I highly recommend all of their films. If you're like me you're extremely tired of what I call "straight lesbo porn" where girls with long nails and fake breasts barely touch each other.

And now on to the answer ...
I actually had to rewatch this one since I hadn't seen it in awhile and you're right, it seems that the more masculine presenting women were giving more than receiving. I'm not sure if the film was planned out that way or if it just happened that way, but it does seem that in each scene only one person cums. This is neither typical nor atypical for lesbian sex or porn. Sometimes only one person is receiving direct clitoral/vaginal stimulation, sometimes partners will take turns, sometimes they're both stimulating each other at once. It really depends on the couple, on the situation, and the mood. But don't be deceived here either. Just because one person isn't receiving direct stimulation doesn't mean that they aren't very much enjoying themselves. The visual and mental aspect of fucking someone with a strap-on is extremely erotic and pleasurable. The brain is, after all, the biggest sex organ in the human body. But when a female-bodied person wears a strap-on clitoral stimulation is achieved through the action of humping, which may or may not lead to orgasm. Either way though both (or more) are probably enjoying themselves very much.

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